🧩 The reason you feel jealous of other dancers
Releasing the temptation to compare...
Do you compare yourself to other dancers or struggle with feelings of jealousy? Do you use the firey energy of competition to motivate you to take action but sometimes still feel that not-enoughness inside?
If so, I’m with you (even if it IS an unpopular thing to admit). But this belief system of scarcity is holding us back from reaching our true heart’s desires! So let's investigate WHY we have the tendency to compare and how we can habituate our selves to a new way of being...
Perhaps, like me, as a young child you were told you were “the best” at whatever activity you put your mind to, whether it was academics or dance. This type of praise inadvertently teaches us that life is a competition and those who win are the ones who receive love. We learned...
"I must be the best in order to have my needs met."
It’s so tempting to get caught in an unconscious mindset of competition, especially when we feel it’s working for us. Being driven to win can get you pretty far in life professionally but that very same drive can also wreak havoc on your emotional well being and personal relationships. Comparison will cause your creativity to plateau and distract you from the truth that there is enough love, attention, and resources for everyone.
Easy to say, right? But how do we ACTUALLY switch our mindset to one of abundance? In this live video I made yesterday, I share my release statements and affirmations to help us rewrite our belief system to align with the truth and power of trust and love. Try these ideas on for yourself and let me know how it goes!
When you watch the video you'll hear me identify my purpose and mission as a dancer: something I encourage YOU to identify for yourself as well!
And in the spirit of making art that aligns with my mission, I invite you to a dance show I am creating on a topic very dear to me...
In the Lap of the Garden
🌹 an offering of devotion to Mother Nature 🌹
through raqs sharqi, Persian and transcultural dance
featuring The Cohesion Collective and Nafas Dance Ensemble
May 27, 2023
in Austin, TX & streaming online
Under the energy of this week's new moon and vernal equinox combined, now is a powerful time to dream big and call in ALL that you desire. With the days and nights being of equal length it is the perfect time to balance our shadow and our light. I hope this message inspires you to release your attachment to anything that interferes with your purpose. You are powerful, your are enough, you are loved.
April Rose 🌹
💠 Apply to work with me inside The Cohesion Collective and get your invite to my advanced private training where I go over my 3-part Cohesion framework for becoming a brilliant bellydancer! The application only takes 2 minutes, there is no obligation to join, and my free training for accepted applicants is full of tips and inspiration!
🚨 You'll want to apply ASAP to join us in time for my upcoming live workshop on 💰 Earning An Income With Bellydance! You don't want to miss it!
Read what my students are saying about The Cohesion Collective...
Georgia got a lasting boost in confidence:
“The Cohesion Collective has seriously uplifted my confidence, because of the content, the live calls, and my feeling fully supported, honored and loved, exactly where I am at in my creative process. I thank you for this, from my heart- it has been such a blessing to be here!”
Become a Brilliant Bellydancer
Apply to join us inside The Cohesion Collective and get your free invite to watch my advanced private training on how to become a brilliant bellydancer using the 3-part Cohesion Framework: